Those who want to check the AIOU Result by roll number are informed that the result card can be downloaded from the official website of AIOU.
AIOU Result is available online and the candidates can check it by Roll Number. Open the website to check Allama Iqbal open university Result FA 2022 By Roll Number or By Your Name.

How to Check Result by roll number online in 2022?
1. Enter into the AIOU LMS portal.
2. Type your username. The students should give their registration number without dashes and spaces in lower case.
3. Type your password. Your password would be delivered to you via email.
4. Click on the “Login” button
How can I create an AIOU LMS account?
Open the website of
There you can see “Aaghi LMS Portal”.
The students use their registration number along with ‘’ at the end of the registration number. This becomes their username. It means that they need to add after their registration number and it is used as their Username for the portal.
AIOU Result by Roll Number 2022
Aiou results for the following courses are available online.
- Matric
- FA
- BA
- B.Ed
- MA
- MSc
- Associate Degree
You can check results by roll number 2022 at the AIOU official website
AIOU result 2022
Students who have been waiting for their result by roll number 2022, can now check it on the website.
The result of different courses conducted by Allama Iqbal Open University such as Matric, FA, BA, B.Ed, M.Ed, MA, ATTC, BSc Nursing, BCOM, MCOM, BSC, MSC, Bsc Nursing, Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate and many other diploma courses is accessible online. Visit the website
log in with your credentials given by the university and check your result.
AIOU B.Ed Result Autumn 2021
You can now check the summer and autumn semester results by roll number and name from this platform soon after the result declaration.
When the AIOU Result is announced you can check it by Roll Number and download it immediately.
AIOU result for FA 2022
Since Allama Iqbal Open University updates the result and other information for the convenience of students, you can check the result for FA 2021 on the site.
CMS AIOU Result 2022
The CMS AIOU Result for the year 2021 of the courses BA, AD, BS and B.Ed Spring 2021 Phase-II is announced through the CMS.
Aiou BA result 2022 – 2023
The candidates who have to enrol with AIOU and are waiting for the announcement of the Allama Iqbal Open University Result 2021, can check the AIOU BA, B.Ed, or B.Sc result 20221 2022 on the website.
Allama Iqbal Open University Result 2022
When the Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) declares the results of Matric, FA, BA, MA for the Spring or Autumn semester, every student regardless of whether the semester is Spring or Autumn must Visit
to check their AIOU Result by Roll Number 2022.
AIOU Result 2022 matric
The result for Matric has been declared by Allama Iqbal Open University. Moreover, the BA (Associate degree) final results 2022 has also been issued by the Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU).
AIOU Result 2022 Matric
Allama Iqbal open university matric result card can be downloaded now. Apart from that, AIOU results for FA 2022 can be checked online.
AIOU Result FA 2022
Those candidates who have been waiting for Allama Iqbal’s open FA result 2022 can download and print the result card from the official site of AIOU.
What is meant by r/w in aiou result?
You might have seen R/EW. It means to reappear in workshops and Exams.
What is RL in Aiou result?
If you see RL, it means the result is late. The results of such students are updated after a while.
Does RL Mean fail?
RL is a term used by AIOU for results later. It is an abbreviation introduced in 2020. If a student’s data has not been submitted or there was an error, the board may use this abbreviation.
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